One-time payment of $197!
✔️ Yes, Dr. Sedlak! I am ready to overcome my carbohydrate addiction, rid my cravings, lose fat pounds and take back control of my health and life.
There are 4 Parts of the Carb A. S. P. that create what I call the tipping point. The tipping point is when all things come together to create all the balances your body needs that stop the sugar cravings once and for all. This is an amazing thing to experience!
4 Parts of the Carb Addiction Solution Program:
- Inner and Outer Preparation
- The Carbohydrate Levels of Eating – Transitioning steps
- Balancing Hormones and Neurotransmitters that control Appetite
- Satiety – Feeling full and satisfied after a meal not wanting to eat something sweet
The reason this program works is that it creates a domino effect. This is what I call the tipping point. This is when everything starts to balance in your body.
Your appetite hormones begin to regulate so you don’t have a huge appetite that causes you to want to eat more. Your blood sugar becomes balanced so you don’t feel a sugar crash that drives you to want more sugar.
Your dopamine receptors are not overloaded so you don’t feel like you need a fix – the next hit of sugar. Stress no longer causes you to make a bee-line to the cookie jar.
If you are ready to experience:
- Clothing fits different
- Higher energy
- More stamina
- A returning zest for life
- A better sense of well-being mentally and emotional
- Diminishing cravings
- Improved digestion
- Better sleep
- Fewer aches and pain
Then the CAS program is for you.
The fastest way for you to get from where you are to where you want to be is in a straight line.
Unfortunately, here is what happens to 99% of people who keep dieting.
Fad diets, going hungry, skipping meals causes more imbalances and cravings… It’s a vicious cycle.
One-time payment of $197!
Here’s what’s inside:
- The Carb Addiction Solution Program – You’ll learn how to boost your fullness feeling that will end the urge to overindulge. Also, I’ll show you exactly how to step down from carb overconsumption without carb withdrawal. You’ll learn my Carbohydrate Solution Eating Formula that changes the cravings from the inside out. Plus, you’ll learn how to address any obstacles that might impede the way of your progress. I’ve included quick preparation methods to get you started immediately AND so much more!
- Carb Addiction Solution Recipes and Menus – I’ve included two full weeks of menus and deliciously satisfying recipes that are sure to please. The menus are sample templates of the levels of carbohydrate eating you’ll be learning about in the program. You’ll never have to worry about being hungry!
- Carb Addiction Solution Action Guides – Utilizing these action guides is a fun way to keep you on track and track your progress. It includes your daily diet journal, progress trackers and several quick tips to stay on track throughout the entire program.
What is the Carb Addiction Solution?
This is a unique program that addresses several of the underlying aspects of sugar addiction. These foundational aspects must be resolved to overcome the cravings that hold you hostage. Dr. Sedlak’s Carb Addiction Solution™ Program includes an eating formula that explains exactly how you will transition off of the unhealthy carbs, which foods to eat, when to eat them, and which foods to combine together that balance the hormone controllers of sugar/carbohydrate addiction.
Also, I want you to know that you don’t have to burn fat to lose fat by being in ketosis. Ketosis occurs when the glucose stores in your body are used up and your body then uses fat to produce energy.
Ketosis isn’t something everyone should do. Ketosis causes many people to experience the dreaded keto flu. Also, if done improperly, ketosis can place extra stress on the kidneys, cause muscle loss, lead to dehydration.
Many of my patients have lost 10 to over 100 pounds without ever being in ketosis. I’ll show you exactly how to decrease fat pounds and increase muscle while the cravings are vanishing. In addition, the strategies in this program play an essential role for diabetes prevention and other chronic illness resistance and prevention.
Feel enslaved to carbs? Well, of course, you do! Carbs that are high in refined sugar, salt and fat are very enticing and when you get attached to them, your body becomes addicted and craves more! This becomes a vicious cycle that will zap you of energy, confidence, have you gain weight and feel sluggish, only to run back for that rush of carb-fueled foods.
Do you know that high sugary carbohydrate eating patterns contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes, heart Disease, stroke, and inflammation that contributes to cancer and body pain? This is not to mention how poorly you feel emotionally and how your self-esteem is affected when you are enslaved to carbs.
One-time payment of $197!
Hello, I’m Dr. Paulette Sedlak. I’m a Chiropractor and a board-certified nutritionist with a Master’s Degree emphasizing nutritional biochemistry. I’ve worked in the field of nutrition for over thirty-five years.
Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to overcome carbohydrate addiction? I know firsthand how it feels. In the year 2000, I became addicted to carbohydrates. I needed emergency surgery that required general anesthesia. The anesthesia reacted with my system and caused encephalitis to occur. This is a condition of brain inflammation. It was misdiagnosed for years while I suffered from severe headaches, pain in my body, loss of memory and difficulty functioning in everyday life. The only thing that made me feel better temporarily was to eat high sugar foods. Of course, this didn’t fix anything. It made me crave more and I gained a lot of weight. By the grace of God, I discovered a nutritional technique that I coupled with nutritional programs I had developed and restored my health. I was able to overcome the carbohydrate addiction, lose weight and regain my energy and health. I’ve had the great privilege to help thousands of people do the same. That’s why I am so passionate about sharing this information today.
What Clients Are Saying
“Before I came to see Dr. Sedlak I was hungry all the time. I couldn’t eat enough food to stay full until the next meal. I’ve always loved learning about nutrition. I thought I was eating well, but I knew I needed specific direction. Dr. Sedlak has shown me exactly how to stay full and get rid of the cravings. Now, I don’t crave sweets and I’m not hungry before the next meal.
My energy is increasing and my memory has improved. I have a lot of interests and there’s so much more I want to do in life. Now I feel I can do everything I’m meant to do. I’m 87 years young. So, you are never too old to make improvements in your health! Never too young either.” – Carolyn
Still on the fence?
Does the program require purchasing special foods?
No. You can find all the foods in regular grocery stores. However, whenever possible I recommend you purchase organic foods. The chemicals used on non-organic foods have a negative accumulation effect. Toxic chemicals stored in fat cells and can make getting rid of fat more difficult in addition to causing more inflammation in the body.
Is the program safe?
Yes! This is a safe and highly effective program in general and especially if you have diabetes, insulin sensitivity, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or cancer. As with any medical condition, it is recommended you work with a qualified healthcare practitioner.
Do you have health concerns?
This program is designed to enhance your health, therefore, if you are a diabetic or take high blood pressure medications or many other types of medications, you may need to have your medications adjusted accordingly. If you have any health condition or take medication, I recommend you consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before starting this program. Health improvements are expected. Therefore, you may need a qualified healthcare practitioner to monitor your progress. Prepare for wellness!
Guarantee: You will love this program. However, if you are dissatisfied for any reason, email the reason why you are not satisfied to me at [email protected] within 48 hours of purchasing and I will send you a full refund. However, if you request a refund, you will not have further access to the program or receive the training modules that walk you through the program, the Bonuses or the 40-minute no-charge consultation.
I am here to guide you through this awesome experience. The time is NOW to…
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